Dining in Total Darkness

Dining in Total Darkness

Hands on the shoulders of our server in front of us, Aaron’s on mine, we formed (what I’m sure was) an awkward human chain. As we slowly shuffled our feet, both trying to keep up with our server, but not trying to step on the heels of the person in front of us, we passed through a dark, heavy, velvet curtain designed to keep all light out. As the curtain drew to a close behind us, we found ourselves engulfed in complete and utter darkness. A darkness so black, it felt almost oppressive. And this is where we were eating dinner.

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Family Time

Family Time

I would like to apologize for the lack of a second post last week. See, I was kind of busy and didn't get a chance to write much, but it was for a good reason - my grandparents were in town! They took a 3 week long, trans-Atlantic cruise from Florida to Italy, and then came to visit for the week. I was too busy showing them our new home and spending time with them that I forgot to write a blog post for Friday. But don't despair, we got lots of fun in and I even managed to get some pictures. And for I think the first time in the history of this blog, a lot of the pictures in this post are my own! Of course they aren't quite as good as the hubby's are, but I don't think they're too shabby.

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