Photo Diary: Bruges

Bruges is a gorgeous city. Everything about Bruges is so incredibly picturesque - from the architecture to the canals to the small details on just about every single building. A new photo is just begging to be taken every few steps. And we did. We completely indulged in the stunning details and sights we saw and took way too many pictures. If you're in Belgium, definitely make sure you visit this beautiful city. And, do yourself a HUGE favor and spend more than a day there.

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The canals flowing through town are beautiful, both during the day and at night when the bridges and buildings are all lit up.


The architecture is pretty to look at too:

The real treasures though are all of the details on the buildings:

Aside from housing the famous sculpture, Madonna with Child, but Michelangelo, the Church of our Lady is stunning in its own right:

The city has some beautiful nature to see too:

Bruges is also a great city to have a little fun in!

So have I convinced you yet to add this small but beautiful Belgian city to your itinerary yet?